Goddess Alexandra Snow - Born to Lose.

Goddess Alexandra Snow - Born to Lose.

Don't you love playing games? I have one for you. Oh what? Why are you being so sheepish about it? Is it because well, the last few games we played together I completely destroyed you? Oh come on, we can find one you're good at right? I mean of course, just imagine if it was something you really knew how to play and I just completely obliterated you again. I suppose that might make you feel small, wouldn't it?But you also know that if you won, I would be so impressed with your skills it would just fill you with so much joy. But no matter how good you are at it, you know deep down that I'm always going to win and you're always going to lose. But I really do want you to try. I mean, I like to have some competition. It's just so much more fun to crush you when you try your best. It's just so satisfying to see your defeat knowing you put your all into it. And deep down, you love the too, don't you?Just face it, you're destined to lose.