White Dickletts Worship Black!

White Dickletts Worship Black!

Big black cock reminds you of that a lowly loser you are. Your mouth waters and you have to stroke, as I tease you and humiliate you it feels so good. Ebony cock is God to you, it brings you to your knees and you feel completely inferior. It has always been your dream to experience the taste of black cock, to have the superior meat between your lips is one euphoric thought. How bad do you want that black cock? Beat it to the most deluxe dick. Show me what a loser you are for the ultimate superior cock of all. Your pathetic tiny white cock is of no comparison to the Creature cock. In fact it should feel you with deep shame and embarrassment. How can you compete? You cant. Women all over the world need to be satisfied and your little weiner is not up to the job. Maybe you should tuck it away and forget about any kind of masculinity you may hold and join the rest of the women and worship black cock as the little bitch boy you are,