Club bed part 2/18/2016 Lesbian!

Club bed part 2/18/2016 Lesbian!

Club Bed, hosted by Hector Gomez (Ron Jeremy), is the sleaze art capitol of adult fantasy. Gomez, who dresses like a crossword puzzle and has the sincerity of a swamp land salesman, has spared every expense in putting together “exotic” weekend packages for sexually deprived adults. What other resort has its nightclub and cocktail lounge located in a kitchen? But Gomez isn’t too dumb. He figures Club Bed is his quickest lure for a fast shot in the pants. And he takes every advantage the situation offers. Penny Morgan is Helen the hostess who doubles with a lounge act called the Dance of the Three Veils. Over budget as he is, Gomez isn’t about to spring for another four. Unfortunately, Morgan still can’t bump and grind worth a deuce (as evidenced in Broadway Fanny Rose) but she has a knack of getting by on cute. In this particular cluster of sex maniacs, Morgan is the lone holdout for love and romance, while Bionca and Krista Lane are exercising a more contemporary view of sexual indulgence. Consequently, there are more appointments in the “suites” of Club Bed than on Santa’s Christmas Eve dance card. Krista Lane, as always, is vibrant and exciting in her sex scenes and becomes one satisfied customer despite Gomez’ “rat hole” ambiance. Bionca’s stay isn’t too shabby either, notwithstanding the fact that Gomez decides to toss the whole weekend in on the house. What a sport. Where it could have nurtured the cheapo concept a little bit more and gone for some visuals pratfalls, Club Bed, unfortunately doesn’t. There are more verbal than visual references, but at least it allows actor Jeremy to give off some bone ticklers – something that has been lacking in a few of his more recent performances. Director Jeremy has crafted a nice, humorous sexvid – well played with good, erotic performances. Better than most “club” themes.