The video begins with a shot of your feet as you walk towards the cock table, where a spy is imprisoned. You look at a sheet and reads it.. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Gaia, of the. You take off your shoes and and show the spy your wonderful feet.. But yes you like them, your cock speaks for you! So, you can tell me the code now, while I show you the exciting side of my feet, or find the worst side the choice is yours. I know from experience that you don't have much time available. You will do a spy footjob, with his cock lying on the table and will alternate your feet masturbating with your toes right under the chapel. You will coerce him to watch, and the spy will not take long to flood the table. At this point you continue to footjob him very hard for another two minutes, asking him for the code, but the spy will not tell you anything, despite complaining of post-orgasmic torment with groans. Now you will brutally step on him, I want to see the cock completely squeezed by your wonderful toes with all the weight of your body, but once again the spy will resist. At this point you free him from the cock table and tell him that he has asked for it. As you begin kicking his balls and admiring your incredibly sexy legs, saying. After an intense series of kicks the spy will tell you the code. Bravo, you saw that it was not difficult! (And laugh). Then insert the code, but this will be wrong. His expression soon changes as you head towards the light telling him. Once inserted and verified, you can now access the phone. Returning to the spy. You give him more blistering kicks in the balls, telling him that he deserves them for teasing you. During this last series of kicks you laugh so much by teasing the spy about the sound of his balls when they receive a kick and the sound of his moans. Eventually, when you decide that it is enough, for the last kick you tell the spy. Laughing out loud telling him he has just been broken by the ballbusting squad...