The Stalker Part 2 Custom Video Part 2 Foot!

The Stalker Part 2 Custom Video Part 2 Foot!

Asiana awakens, dazed and confused.  Unaware of her surrounds but what seems to be a very cold and dark place.  Hands tied above her head, blindfolded and mouth packed.  The man who has captured her now speaks and he is not happy.  Not remembering who he is, he reminds her of how her big mouth lands his brother some time in the pen.  Denying any recollection of who he or his brother is, she is choked out and handled roughly until she admits being a snitch.  He gropes her, torments her, and tosses her around.  Pushing her, taunting her, and fucking with her for testifying against his brother.  Crying and pleading for mercy while he tells her the things hes going to do to her body with his collection of toys.  He leaves the room and while hes away, Asiana frees herself and makes a run for it, only to find him waiting on the other side of the door!  He grabs her and knocks her out with chloroform, and lights out for Asiana…