Witch Shrink and Step Foot!

Witch Shrink and Step Foot!

I let you out of your cage after a long week of humiliation as a shrunken man. Im feeling kind, so I offer to allow you to apologize and finally be a normal human again. After allu2026 I recap all the humiliation youve gone through. So I think youve learned. I zap you normal size and ask if youre done with your nasty old ways. You hold your ground and refuse to apologize. You even call me a bitch! Now Im super angry, so I not only shrink you, I look forward to stepping on you with my giant heel. You obviouslt need to be under pressure. I compare the size of my shoes and your shrunken body. Youre stubborn and hold out apologizing, so I ramp up the intensity little by little. You can feel your spine compressing with the weight. Your head, neck and shoulders are barely holding the weight of my huge shoes and feet. You havent learned, so I take joy in knowing Ill get to turn you into a puddle of human mush. Im going to take my time, taunting you about your stupid mortality and teensy useless body. These will be the last sights you see.... ,