London Rose doesnt stand a chance in a wrestling match against the big strong handsome, Will Tile. But lets not forget, this is sex fighting. Londons soft sexy voice alone can bring men to their knees. Her MILF demeanor makes co-stars want to nuzzle up onto her teets and rest there for eternity. Will does find himself being distracted by Londons seduction. Her tits and ass are like a beacon for his face to dive into. Will goes easy on London in the first few rounds but once he realizes London is racking up the sexual domination points with the judges, Will needs to step things up. He has underestimated his opponents in the past and paid for. He isnt proud of those losses and now hes got something to Prove. The prize round is sexy and mean. The Winner puts the loser against the wall and fucks them until they squirt their cum into the camera.