Superheroines Goddess cosplay Catwoman Double Cross

Superheroines Goddess cosplay Catwoman Double Cross

Poison Ivy has been wreaking havoc on the men of Gotham with her seduction mesmerize mist. She knows Batman has been on the hunt for her and decides to get the drop on him by masquerading as Catwoman and calling him with a fake tip. She informs bats that Poison Ivy will be at a particular address at a certain time. Of course its a trap and when the Dark Knight arrives to aprehend the villainous vine all he sees is Catwoman dressed in her slinky black, skin tight catsuit. His guard is down and he doesnt realize its Poison Ivy in disguise. Its all been a rouse to get close enough to the Batman to blow her pheremone smoke in his face and seduce him to the dark side. With just a blow and a kiss with her venemous lips, Ivy disguised as Catwoman brings the bat to his knees. How fun it will be to have total control over the Dark Knight!