Nely is seduced by a police woman Lesbian!

Nely is seduced by a police woman Lesbian!

Sylvana is a police officer who takes her job seriously. Its her job to make sure the roads are safe. Theyre never truly safe when teens like Nely are behind the wheel of a car. Shes still wet behind the ears. Its going to take her quite a long time before shes a safe driver. The last thing Nely wants is to get a ticket. That would raise her insurance rates through the roof. What is she going to do? Shell lick and toy the police officer. Theres nothing she wont do to get out of trouble. Hopefully all this lesbian pussy licking and toying taught her a lesson. Always obey the speed limit and wear your seat belt. That is, unless the police officer who pulls you over is a horny lesbian. Then, prepare to lick her until she cums.