Hangover Shame muscle The Mistress B

Hangover Shame muscle The Mistress B

Look at yourself. Youu2019re disgusting. You feel disgusting and you look disgusting. What happened last night? What started as a couple of beers turned into a dru016bnken disaster. You donu2019t even know if you had fun because you canu2019t remember the night. And today you feel like death run over. All you want is comfort. Look at me, Iu2019m bright and vibrant. Iu2019m the exact opposite of the pu016bke slob, you. My body is tight and energetic. My skin glows. My muscles beckon you. Really, you shouldnu2019t be dru00efnking so much, puppet. Instead you should spend your time and money right here with me. Now take a few sips of water, buy this video and begin to reform your ways. ,