The absolute dream for every man! Three plump asses stretch out to meet you! You have free choice of holes. Which asshole do you fuck first :)? All three girls wet and willing ... and the most important: extremely analgeil! I had some trouble finding two horny girls for this shoot, and from here I did not want any. Two close friends told me then ready after I showed them a photo of the tail that is to fuck her. Now they could barely wait to feel this delicious user cock in their assholes. Of course the guy was a bit nervous, but when he got really hot, he fucked one of them deep inside her asshole while fingering the other two assholes. He licked every asshole clean! Hallelujah! What a horny tongue this guy has. All three assholes were fucked really cool and each got a horny Creampie donated. The guy made these three asses so horny that he did not stop wanting to cum. ) ,