Princess Carmela - From Wall St to Street-Walker Foot!

Princess Carmela - From Wall St to Street-Walker Foot!

Aw, look at our poor slave that me and Princess Skylar have been keeping out here in our cage for ohhhh so long now! Poor slave, do you miss your old life? Remember how good you used to have it as Mr. big, powerful Wall Street broker? And now look at you- completely BROKEN and powerless, cowering in a cage at the feet of two girls literally HALF your age! Haha! You are nothing but an OBJECT now. An object that we can USE for whatever we want. In this clip we tell you exactly how your life has been DRAINED for OUR profit and how we have been USING you to profit even MORE from beating your carcass on a regular basis in our clips- and even renting you out to other people to use for the most degrading, horrific acts possible! (Buy the clip for more details of how cruel we are going to be to you! And lets just say it involves you spending a lot of time on street corners and even in barnyards! LOL!!) -Princess Carmela