Kylie Foot Tickling Jenny With Long Red Finger Nails Tickling!

Kylie Foot Tickling Jenny With Long Red Finger Nails Tickling!

Jenny and Kylie are laying around having some girl time together with Jennys legs and cute little feet resting on Kylies stomach. Kylie decides to playfully tickle Jennys soles with her freshly manicured long fingernails as Jennys feet twirl around trying to avoid Kylies tickle fingers. Kylie then remembers a time when Jenny trapped her big beautiful feet in between Jennys legs and tickled the hell out of her soles with long nails and decides to give Jenny a taste of her own medicine. Kylie mercilessly tickles Jennys soles, enjoying Jennys agony as her trapped little feet struggle to get away unsuccessfully. Kylie shows no mercy.