Oh, honey... has it happened again?! You poor, poor thing... Well, you did well, just as I asked. Youve come to mommy when youre all frustrated, pent up, ACHING after a date with your girlfriend. Honey... I want you to understand that some girls want to stay pure until marriage... and thats a wonderful thing to do for the man she loves. Thats a compliment! I want you to understand how to deal with the situation, how to control your needs and behave like a gentleman. Just lie down on the bed here next to mommy, sweetie... and take off your pants. Now, I know it can be really hard, honey... and I can tell just how frustrated you are... you do have very important needs, but thats what mommy is here for. Now, listen carefully, honey, while I explain... while I straddle you and bounce your discomfort away...Includes virtual sex, wanking the guy off, straddling him on top and fucking him.