Josh Gay!

Josh Gay!

Dark and handsome Josh is a 25-year-old retired baker who currently works in a gym. Hes chiseled, toned and his cute, bubble butt will definitely make you want to cop a feel! After clocking 10 hours a day in the gym, he is looking for a change. anPeople definitely do the whole sauna, shower and steam room hook up thing. It happens a lot! Josh is gay and has only been out for three years now and he affirms how much happier he is living in his truth. He had a less than pleasing experience bottoming with a 9-inch top and that led him to becoming more of a top himself. anIll only bottom with a smaller penis, says Josh. anIm a dom top and Id say my sex is more animalistic. I like to be very strong with my bottom and theres a lot of dirty talk.