The English Mansion Miss Suzanna Maxwell: Discovered Spanking

The English Mansion Miss Suzanna Maxwell: Discovered Spanking

When Suzanna returns home early, she is shocked to find her husband dressed up in her clothes, fully femmed with makeup, wig and heels. She takes it all in and suddenly things make sense, why her clothes are missing or stretched and why there sex life has been dull for a long time. She looks at the magazines her husband has been reading, Femdom and Xdressing topics and decides she can make this relationship work to her advantage. Suzanna decides that her husband should now present full time as a woman and should be named Fifi and will enter a full FLR relationship from now on. After some weak protest, she pulls Fifi over her lap and gives her a long OTK spanking before locking a shock collar around her cock as part of a training regime. Suzanna teaches Fifi her new place and encourages compliance, explaining how their marriage is going to blossom now her secret is in the open. (You can see more of how their new relationship flourishes in – Dom Wife Sissy Husband.)