Sucking up in Class Tattoo

Sucking up in Class Tattoo

Charlotte Stokely is teaching her class about the birds and the bees. Scarlett Sage and Alex More are young, naughty teenagers who cant help but pass each other perverted notes. Like most students, theyre bored and dont care much for school. They had a blast together the night before and are planning a repeat session. Alex takes the note and rubs in on her pussy. The girls start laughing and disrupt the class. Charlotte asks what theyre doing and Scarlett responds that shes just taking notes. She knows shes being lied to. When she seizes the note she reads it out loud. Surprised at the content, it looks like the girls were paying more attention than she had initially suspected. Unfortunately for them, she has to report this behavior to their parents. The girls plead with her, begging her not to say anything but her hands are tied, she has no choice. Remembering that their teacher is openly gay, they figure that perhaps they could convince her in other ways. Pondering how, they get up and approach her desk. Charlotte isnt sure what the girls are up to but they retort that its all part of the curriculum: communication, relationships, and sex. They start taking off their shirts but Charlotte isnt sure about all this, for starters she could lose her job. The girls make her a promise that if she doesnt tell they wont either. Its Saturday after all and theyre the only ones in the whole school. It looks like its the girls turn to teach their teacher a lesson!