An Even Trade Public

An Even Trade Public

Mona (Freya Parker), a popular and athletic college student, is going for a jog on the campus grounds. Elsewhere on campus, Sophie (Gizelle Blanco), a smart but unpopular student, is being bullied. The bully takes Sophies books and throws them to the ground, and then kicks the books away from Sophie when she tries to pick them up. As Mona jogs up to Sophies location, the bully runs off and Sophie is able to pick up her books. Mona stops to make sure Sophie is okay, introducing herself and offering that she can get the schools various bullies to leave Sophie alone. Sophie says that she doesnt want anybodys pity. Mona was not expecting that, and tries to convince Sophie that shes not offering out of pity. Mona then notices that Sophie has a math book, and asks Sophie if shes good at that subject. When Sophie says that she is, Mona admits that shes not doing so great in that class. Mona offers her a deal: she can protect Sophie from bullies, and in exchange Sophie can tutor her. That way, theres definitely no pity involved... its an even trade, right? Sophie still seems a bit wary and shy, but agrees to the arrangement. As time passes, Mona and Sophie become closer, and Monas math grades improve. One day, Mona says that she wants to talk to Sophie about something. She explains that shes really enjoyed getting to know Sophie, and says that shes developed feelings for her. Sophie looks touched, but also a bit worried. Mona says that shes gotten certain vibes from Sophie, so she feels reasonably confident that Sophie is a lesbian too, and that its the reason why Sophie feels so different from everyone and tends to withdraw. Sophie admits that she IS a lesbian, and that getting to know Mona has been the best thing thats ever happened to her... but then to Monas surprise, she says that Mona deserves better. Sophie points out that Mona is popular and a star athlete at school, while Sophie is seen as a nerdy outcast. If they became a couple and anyone found out, Monas reputation would be ruined. Sophie tells Mona shes already risking too much even just standing up for Sophie in public, so now that Monas doing better at school, maybe its time for their arrangement to end. Mona is stunned for a moment, but then thanks Sophie for caring. However, Mona adds that she doesnt care about her popularity, she cares about Sophie - and if they have feelings for each other, then thats all that matters.