New guy Chico comes out competitive like a tiny flash of energy trying to beat Loren grappling. He is fast and tough but Loren is always up for fighting hard. She insults him, locking him in a front face lock as he tries to stand. The two fall back to the ground with Chico wrapped in her headlock. Chico hangs on, squeezing her body with his arms and staving her off. He goes for a front facelock too but the blonde session girl counters, wrapping him up as the battle continues with Chico fighting to stay out of her feared headscissors. After a little more than five minutes he can barley breathe from exhaustion while the ruthless surfer girl is barley winded. Starting back up, he decided taking her straight headscissors would be easier on his lungs. It is, but not on his throat as the beautiful girls muscular legs crush him in front headscissors. She tells him she wants to see his face as she draws him high up in her crotch. Long front headscissors. Chico is tough and Loren is strong. He taps