Alexia Anders and her stepmom Kenzie Taylor are currently alone in the house, so Alexia is using the opportunity to give Kenzie a special birthday present. Sure, Alexia already gave Kenzie a present earlier, but that was her PUBLIC gift to Kenzie, as her stepdaughter. Now this other one is her PRIVATE gift to Kenzie, as her secret LOVER. The gift turns out to be a locket that Alexia had noticed Kenzie admiring at the mall. Kenzie looks stunned and a bit guilty, but Alexia doesnt notice, as she happily describes how she saved up to buy the locket, and had their names engraved inside it. That way, Kenzie can always carry their special relationship close to her heart. Alexia finally notices that Kenzie looks upset, and asks whats wrong. Kenzie explains that her husband (Alexias other parent) bought her the same locket. Kenzie feels terrible, especially since Alexia cant return hers now that its engraved. Alexia reassures Kenzie that its okay, because awkward things are bound to happen when they have a secret relationship. As long as they have each other, thats what counts. Kenzie tenderly strokes Alexias hair, then they kiss and get undressed. They lovingly touch and taste each others beautiful bodies, expressing their feelings in every kiss and caress. Looks like its a happy birthday for Kenzie after all!