Missing The Signs Facesitting

Missing The Signs Facesitting

Adriana Chechik is all dressed up for a night out, looking sexy. Shes sitting impatiently on a couch, starting to look annoyed. Come ON, Cassidy! Youve been in there forever! Adriana laments. Okay, okay, Im coming! Cassidy Klein says as she emerges from her bedroom, looking equally sexy for going out. Yet, she doesnt look very confident or thrilled. Adriana starts to compliment on how sexy she looks, but pauses when she sees how pensive Cassidy is. Hey, whats up? she asks as she pats the couch for Cassidy to join her.Cassidy sits with Adriana, looking a bit troubled. She admits that she doesnt know WHY she bothers going clubbing at all! She doesnt really have FUN when theyre out clubbing. She loves hanging out with her bestie, obviously, but she doesnt like the whole club atmosphere. When she looks around, she always sees all kinds of people hitting on each other -- even people hitting on Adriana! -- but... no one hits on HER.Adriana gives a short, disbelieving laugh. Are you KIDDING me right now? People are ALWAYS hitting on you at clubs! Guys AND girls! As Adriana says girls, she takes both of Cassidys hands and squeezes them. Cassidy is oblivious to Adrianas hint as she scoffs and shakes her head. What? No they arent! I would DEFINITELY know! Are you SURE about that...? REALLY sure? Cassidy presses. Uhhh, be-LIEVE me, I know, Adriana replies. Maybe Cassidy is just missing the signs, Adriana says. People are always touching her, too! Like on her arms or shoulders when they sit close or pass by. What?? Oh... I mean, some people are just more touchy-feely, it doesnt MEAN anything... Cassidy counters. Adriana laughs and shakes her head. No, silly, theyre looking for an excuse to connect with you... And when people buy you a round, theyre not doing it to be chummy! But you buy me rounds ALL the time! Cassidy insists. Yeah, I DO, Adriana says pointedly, staring even harder at Cassidy. Ugh, youre such a good friend, I should be buying YOU more when were out, Cassidy sighs, again oblivious.Cassidy explains that she always thought if someone was interested, theyd ask her out directly. In all the romantic comedies theres always a pick-up line or a grand gesture to show that someone is interested. Adriana explains that its hard for... some people to be that direct. Maybe theyre shy, or not good with words, or maybe theyre afraid of being rejected. Maybe its risky for... some people to ask other people out, in case they say no. Maybe it could change how Cassidy thinks about... some people, maybe it could even ruin a friendship! ...yknow, hypothetically speaking.Ohhhh, Cassidy says, finally seeming to get it. Adriana nervously looks up at her friend, thinking she finally may have gotten the hint. But instead Cassidy just shrugs and says that she doesnt think shed be too worried about ruining a friendship with a stranger at the bar, though.No, with ME you big dummy, Im talking about ME!! Adriana exclaims, looking stressed and flustered. She admits that shes been attracted to Cassidy for, like, a year! She tried giving her ALL the signs that she was interested but Cassidy just didnt catch on!Why didnt you just outright TELL ME?? Cassidy retaliates, still surprise and not pulling away from her. It wouldve saved them a lot of time!Now Adriana is surprised, asking what Cassidy means. Cassidy admits that she always liked Adriana, too, but didnt know if everything they did was because they were close friends or something more! Adriana groans and laughs. But does that mean Cassidy is actually interested in turning their friendship into something more? Yeah! Im looking to date, and who better to date than my best friend? Cassidy brightly says. They lean in towards each other, sharing a kiss as Adriana slips Cassidys top off and licks her perky tits.Looks like they were BOTH missing the signs!