Crystal Heart GroupSex

Crystal Heart GroupSex

Holy Shit Crystal Heart is a Black Cock Slut. In fact, if you go get a dictionary and look up black cock slut youll see a picture of Crystal Heart. Crystal Slut. Crystal Slut 4 Black Dick. I have the Mighty Black Man over, and what a Bull he turned out to be! So thick and long poor Crystals tight-from-only-fucking-the-white-man pussy almost breaks in two. I mean this is a total white pussy stretch session. Crystal wailed so loud I got nervous the neighbors might call 911. They should have, too...cause by the end of this session, Crystals vagina was as close to wrecked as a white girls pussy can get. Stretched to the point that when she goes back to the White Man, hell know her pussys loose. Loose from The Black Man. Poor White Man. Praise Black Dick! MWAH!!! XOXO - Ruthie.