Smiley s Pliable Boobs & Bushy Pussy Hairy

Smiley s Pliable Boobs & Bushy Pussy Hairy

Whats a month without seeing Smiley Emma flash her pearly whites and her big sexy boobs? Its hard to smile now without her. Big hands are needed to hold those natural marvels. The theory that staring at big tits makes a guy stupid might be true. After checking out an Emma video and photo set, seeing her play with her pliable tits and bushy pussy, it takes a while to reboot the brain. XLGirls: What makes Smiley Emma really laugh? Emma: There really isnt much that wouldnt make me laugh but I would say cheesy jokes make me laugh the hardest. XLGirls: We would make you laugh so we can see your boobs jiggle. Whats the nicest thing anyones said to you? Emma: The best would be that my smile and personality has brightened someones day when they were down. The worst is when someone uses the word slut or whore while complimenting me. XLGirls: I guess you get all kinds of comments on web-cam. Emma: Im genuinely nice, easy to talk to and I am very silly. I think my best physical qualities are my smile and my big boobs. XLGirls: Two of our favorite qualities.