I didnt think my Vegas trip could get any better after the great blowjob i got earlier today from my super hot cousin but it did! when i came out of the bathroom i saw my cuz was on the phone and she looked like she was irritated with the caller. so i went up and asked her who she was talking to, she said it was her Ex . the ex she was suppose to take on this Vegas trip we were on right now. the loser was trying hard to get her back and i could see she wasnt having it, so i got a really wicked idea. i striped naked in front of her while she was talking and put my fat cock right in her face and would you believe. she actually stated sucking me off while talking to her ex, so i pushed my luck even further and fucked my sexy ass cuz while she talked on the phone to her ex boyfriend. i filled her tight pussy up with my nut and from what i hear from my cousin i think her and her boyfriend might actually work it out. LOL even if they do get back together im still gonna fuck my cousins brains out at the next family get together! this is part 4 in cousin lovin in vegas, it stars Maria Jade ,