Your in detention for bad grades. u201c sorry for bad grades you never seem to be able to teach around me,your mind seems elsewhere,not sure why u201c tease me with legs,heels dont make obvious your teasing me. Get me worked up, hot.u201dare you ok?u201d give me a little spiked water .u201dI need good gradesu201d.see im getting hard cross, uncross your legs so can see stocking with tops.stroke legs heel to stocking tops. u201dwish I could improve grades do you like what you see?loosen your tie itu2019s hot,want some fun?u201d u201ddoes your cock hurtu201dlaugh mention viagra get nasty,slap me gag with panties,u201cIu2019m in control now,I love fucking with you in class as dont take eyes off me,I think my grades will improve nowu201d laugh take pics/selfies in case they donu2019t.make me suck heel,kick me on to my back.get butt plug from bag shove up my ass. Tell me u201cyou never fuck someone hot likeu201d u201dyour my bitch now,call me mistress when no one is aroundu201dlaugh,kick meu201d get the fuck up bitch u201d beckon me with fingeru201dcome on good boy take me shopping pricku201dlaugh,walk off. ,