Rubbin Cousin massage Casey Calvert

Rubbin Cousin massage Casey Calvert

Casey Calvert leads her second cousin, Seth Gamble, who is carrying a laptop, to a table in her living room and thanks him again for showing up to help her. Running her own business from home has been amazing, but shes a LITTLE behind with the paperwork. Seth states that hes happy to help since thats what familys for. He comments that hes confident he can help her sort through everything and get organized. Its what he does for a living, after all. What would we do without accountants? Or second cousins, for that matter! Casey playfully teases. He tells her more seriously that she really should have an accountant as a small business owner. She admits that she knows this but that her business only started gaining traction recently, which is why shes trying to get the paperwork sorted now. She invites him to sit down at the table, offering him a beverage -- like a tea or coffee -- but he politely declines. He sets his laptop onto the table and says hes ready to get down to business!