Whore of the Worlds Alysha Morgan 960

Whore of the Worlds Alysha Morgan 960

I've done some pretty whorish things over the years, but every once in a while I surprise even myself. Like this time, for instance. Adam and I were at home, I had a few drinks, and I was horny as fuck. It was about 3 AM, I had no makeup on, and I told Adam to take me somewhere to get fucked, NOW!!! I grabbed a pump and a vibrator, then walked out to the car butt naked and waited for him. Adam didn't even have a camera with him, so he had to use his phone to record this. We drove all the way to the theaters, with me butt naked and no clothes anywhere as a safety net. I didn't even bring a pair of shoes!! I pumped my big whore cunt while he drove, then once we pulled into the parking lot, I walked into the theater naked and laid on the leather couch waiting for some cock. I got my fair share of cock and cum, and Adam recorded what he could in that dark theater with his cell phone. I spent a couple of hours there, then I walked out to the car still naked with cum dripping from all of my holes. Adam cleaned me up a little in the parking lot, then we started the drive home. I was starting to sober up, so I asked Adam to stop by a drivethru for something to eat, still completely naked. I also dropped my vibrator between the seats, so he stopped in the now-busy parking lot to look for it, my bare, cum soaked ass in the air while people drove by. What a night! Can't wait to do it again, but next time I'll make sure Adam brings his real camera!