M@nyV1ds - MistressLucyXX - Femme Fatales Test Subject - Part 2

M@nyV1ds - MistressLucyXX - Femme Fatales Test Subject - Part 2

As you know from part one, I've decided in order to be the best femme fatale i can be, I need to develop That means i need someone to practice my sweet gassing techniques on and you've kindly volunteered to help out by being my test subject In part one we tested out Amyl Nitrate and my subduing breath This time I'm testing out my Boot Gas, along with a little chloro and finally my newly formulated gas grenade filled with 'MLXX Gas' All designed to calm, relax and totally disarm In between each test i bring your round from your subdued state by pressing an oxygen mask to your face and giving you a quick blast I also managed to get a little more info on those nasty people that took you and experimented on you against your will 'Queen Yellowglove' Don't worry little one, she'll get her just desserts But that's for a future mission, when I've perfected my techniques Now make yourself comfortable my little test subject the gassing is about to begin INCLUDES ENGLISH MISTRESS, GAS MASK, FM12, MASK FETISH, FEMME FATALE, MEDICAL FETISH, SUBDUE FETISH, BOOT FETISH, MIND FUCK, BDSM, GLOVE FETISH, RUBBER GLOVES & NURSE Produced For A Custom Clip GOOD BOYS PAY MORE So make me happy and use Promo code Mis99825 or Mis80382 when you make your purchase