Shortly before Christmas it will be that time again and in our company these meetings will start again, in which everyone has to participate At this meeting I was sitting right next to our 18-year-old trainee who had just started with us a few days ago Before the boss started his speech, I yawned for the first time These meetings always last hours So I quickly and quietly grabbed our trainee by the eggs Haha It didn't look bad But he played along with the game and made a good face about the great game Now I dared and opened his pants And that in front of the assembled office team, at the official meeting That was awesome Since I always have some coconut oil on the table, I used it to oil his hot trainee cock See us there The small tail suddenly became huge and rock hard between my slippery fingers Then I accidentally fell the ballpoint pen on the floor I crawled under the table and while the boss and the others discussed, I took the hot cock deep into my fuck mouth That's what I mean by meeting