Plae - Creampie Thais

Plae - Creampie Thais

Dark, seedy streets with neon signs hide some of the best aGoGo bars in Pattaya. They're off the beaten path and generally less busy than the popular places. The drinks are slightly cheaper, the staff is pushy, and the girls are slim pickens. But, if you're lucky, you can find a diamond in the rough. What happens is that a new girl will come to work at a bar because she has a sister who works there already and has given the bar a reference to hire her. A sister isn't really a sibling. A sister is a friend from the village back home who can sometimes be related. So, when the new girl arrives, she might be a knockout but will work at the bar until she can get her feet wet and figure out the other options available to her. But what this means for the clever sex tourist, is that sometimes you can stumble upon an amazing newbie who is fresh fr.