Online mobile dating APPs have their advantages. Meet 19 year old Pimya. She just so happened to be registered on a local Thai dating APP and was looking for LOVE in all the wrong places. Of course, there might be some romance that can be found online, but most of its surfers are usually looking for tail. How do I know Because I'm one of those online pervs seeking SEX in all the right places! Pimya and I happened to be online at the same time and she replied immediately to my hello emoji. After some small talk and a live video call, we confirmed our faces matched our profile photos and setup a date. Pimya arrived an hour later and was much smaller than I expected. She's very petite with small A-cups and a shaved beaver. We were both attracted to one another and wasted no time kissing, caressing, and undressing. Pimya then dropped to her kn.