Title: Kyle Johnson, Yasmine Sinclair - Triple Threat The Brush (Release date: Aug 18, 2020)
Description: Kyle has had enough of Yasmin's attitude, and tells her that as soon as he gets home, she is getting the "Triple Threat": An individual spanking with 3 implements. He starts by ta">
<br /> Title: Kyle Johnson, Yasmine Sinclair - Triple Threat The Brush (Release date: Aug 18, 2020) <br /> Description: Kyle has had enough of Yasmin's attitude, and tells her that as soon as he gets home, she is getting the "Triple Threat": An individual spanking with 3 implements. He starts by taking down her pants and using his hand, which already brings her close to tears. He then picks up the wooden hairbrush and leaves her naked butt cherry-red and leaving her squealing. He then moves onto the Strap for the second section.. <br /> Category: SPANKING M/F <br /> Related Categories: SPANKING , CORPORAL PUNISHMENT , SPANKING M/F , CRYING , NUDITY/NAKED <br /> Keywords: otk , over , the , knee , hard , blistered , bare , bottom , butt , ass , nude , naked , punishment , discipline , sobbing