Alyssa Haven Masturbation Alyssa Haven Masturbation

Alyssa Haven Masturbation Nineteen year-old Alyssa Haven has the sweet smile of an old folk_s home attendant- the kind that wouldn_t mind changing a diaper filing an encrusted toe nail or finger assisting a stubborn enema as the case may be. It_s those very qualities that make us want Alyssa way more than the average hooker or accomplished whore. So when we saw Alyssa in this clip dressed like a primary care giver at least that was our impression our dicks shot clear through the roof. Those shoes half-sneaks or whatever you want to call _em - maybe we could do without - but that_s our taste and not reflective of yours. Besides Alyssa_s going to be kicking them off anyway which is the idea of a foot movie. Happy jacking.