roselip 0494 hd Fujii Shiori

roselip 0494 hd Fujii Shiori

<br /> Frame Rate: 29.970 fps <br /> Tags: <br /> Fujii Shiori <br /> Description: Although the video was last year, it was released in HD quality this year. It is not on the tracker. It's strange how I missed it before and didn't fill it - after all, I had it in my collection - though in poor quality. But as they say: better late than never. Now about the video. <br /> The Japanese man brought his drunk heart friend from the party back home. But as many people I think know, the ladies become more loving and thirsty for sex (by the way, I often noticed this in real life), while a drunken man with an erection may have "minor problems". However, this is not about our hero - he was absolutely sober and efficient for this evening, however, timid and modest. Therefore, the Japanese lady decided to take the "cultural and entertainment program" into her tender hands . mouth . crotch))) A passive man and an active (albeit drunk) woman, in my opinion, is a very good plot for the femdom section
