<br /> Description: Atmospheric, foreboding, shocking and fulfilling! <br /> These words pretty much sum up this movie. There's nothing quite like having the dynamics of <br /> myself and the mailman having so much fun in my dungeon. There are literally many highlights, <br /> starting with the glow from his bottom from two hands, yes they're mine, albeit, my right hand <br /> on both cheeks! In this movie, you will actually see my hand thwacking his right cheek first, <br /> shortly followed by the left cheek. There is no editing, enhancing or altering of this clip. What <br /> you see, IS exactly what you get! Another demonstration of how I love to capture real life <br /> experiences on film. Gosh, you could mistake his buttocks for a sign pointing 'this way'! <br /> All my sessions are based on having fun. Creating an atmospheric room, with flames <br /> flickering, eerie yet cathartic notes provide a gentle background, while the sound of my <br /> stilettos are a tonic to ones ears. The smell, look and sound of my exquisite leather, my <br /> deep cleavage, and my big devilish smile gives an edge for this wonderful dungeon play! <br /> wheel, while wrapped in a leather straight jacket. Shocking electrics for extra stimulation, <br /> followed by a powerful boost from my Venus 2000 cock pump sending my slave into orbit! <br /> This IS what you may experience if you wish to session with me!